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Opening of the project "Agroturizm in the Korolkovy Garden" in UNPK "Agrocentre"

Opening of the project "Agroturizm in the Korolkovy Garden" in UNPK "Agrocentre"

13.06.2018 08:41:57

On Saturday, June 9, students of preparatory faculty, foreign students, teachers and administration of Institute international educational programs visited a festival of opening the project "Agroturizm in the Korolkovy Garden" in UNPK "Agrocentre". At a ceremonial opening there were not only employees and students of SGAU, but also guests of honor and residents of our city. Welcome speech was...



10.06.2018 08:45:50

On June 9 opening of the "Agroturizm in the Korolkovy Garden" project which realized the Saratov state agricultural university on the basis of educational and research and the production site "the Agrocenter in the Korolkovy garden" took place. The Chairman of the State Duma V.V. Volodin and the governor of the region V.V. Radayev acted as initiators of the project of maintenance of the comfortable...

"Volga is the territory of ecology"

"Volga is the territory of ecology"

18.05.2018 08:40:13

On May 15, 2018 on the basis of the Saratov GAU the Volga region volunteer ecological forum "Volga is the Territory of Ecology" within the project of the ecological movement "Ekotoriya" took place. Welcome speeches were pronounced by the project manager of Ekotoriya Korgunova Olga Viktorovna, the vice rector for educational and social work of SGAU of N.I. Vavilov Popova Olga Mikhaelovna, and also...

Foreign students at the scientific and practical conference "Reason Odyssey"

Foreign students at the scientific and practical conference "Reason Odyssey"

16.05.2018 08:38:26

On May 13, 2018 in Municipal autonomous authority of additional education "The palace of creativity of children and youth of O.P. Tabakov" by 42 times the scientific and practical conference "Reason Odyssey" took place. The children from Saratov who are carried away by research work and also foreign students of SGAU of N.I. Vavilov Nnang Mamadu Lamin (Senegal) and Mungunga Christie Aved Borel (Congo)...

Day of Africa – 2018

Day of Africa – 2018

11.05.2018 08:36:54

Traditionally at the end of April foreign students from the African countries gathered in the Medical university on the annual festival "Day of Africa" which subject this year was a Rainbow. More than hundred participants from the agrarian, medical, classical and technical universities gathered to present the culture and music, to show national clothes, dances and songs, musical instruments. The audience...

Foreign listeners in the museum Ministry of Emergency Situations

Foreign listeners in the museum Ministry of Emergency Situations

11.05.2018 08:35:00

Foreign students of preparatory department of Institute international educational programs with curator Panfilova E.G. visited the Saratov museum Ministry of Emergency Situations. Students learned that in 36 years they from the moment of opening in it more than 560 thousand people, residents of Saratov and area and also guests from various regions of Russia, guests from the neighbor gained knowledge...

Victory Day

Victory Day

10.05.2018 08:31:40

For all residents of Russia and the countries of the former Union one of the most important holidays is on May 9. The Victory Day is celebrated by all, irrespective of age and the social status. Celebration is held in all large cities and small settlements of the country. Everywhere music of military years and military subject plays, people take to the streets to lay flowers at monuments, graves and...

SSAU Foreign Students at the Scientific Conference

SSAU Foreign Students at the Scientific Conference

26.04.2018 14:04:50

On April 20, a scientific conference “Patriotic Breakthrough of Russia: Socio-Economic Perspectives” was held. It touched upon the problems of the role of youth in the economic system of modern Russia, the economic growth and development of the Saratov region and other issues. The conference was attended by students of schools, universities and secondary schools. During the conference, the participants...

Foreign Students are the participants of the International Scientific Forum

Foreign Students are the participants of the International Scientific Forum

20.04.2018 14:07:04

On April 18, 2018 foreign students of SSAU named after. N.I. Vavilov took part in the International Youth Socio-Economic Scientific Forum. The President of Russia V.V. Putin declared the Year 2018 to be the Volunteer year. Therefore, the theme of the event was devoted to the volunteer movement. At the plenary meeting of the forum, the organizers of the event, associate professors of the department...

SSAU Foreign Students at the International Conference

SSAU Foreign Students at the International Conference

20.04.2018 14:02:49

The international conference "From a school project to the professional career" was held in the conference hall of the campus 2 of the Saratov State Agrarian University. It was attended by foreign students at SSAU from Russia's neighboring countries and other foreign countries. Total registered 706 participants: 375 students; 248 project managers; 69 participants of the on-line section; 14 participants...

The Cosmonautics Day

The Cosmonautics Day

17.04.2018 12:26:23

The Institute of International Educational Programs and students of the preparatory department (IIEP PD) became participants in a large-scale celebration of Cosmonautics Day, which took place on April 12, 2018, at the landing site of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin in the Engels District. On April 12, Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day in honor of the first space flight performed by Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin...

Foreign Students Taking Part in the Festival “Politics Around us”

Foreign Students Taking Part in the Festival “Politics Around us”

02.04.2018 12:21:45

On March 23, foreign students of the Institute of International Educational Programs (IIEP) of the SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov participated in a conference for high school students, which was held at the Lyceum of the Humanities in Saratov. The event is annually attended by 400-500 people - winners and medalists of district and city conferences, intellect-festivals of the 2017-2018 school year. The...

Ada Rodina in SSAU with the ensemble  “Memory of the heart asks for words»

Ada Rodina in SSAU with the ensemble “Memory of the heart asks for words»

27.03.2018 12:10:52

The concert of the ensemble “Memory of the heart asks for words" was held at the first training complex of the university on March, 23. Rodina Ada Viktorovna (Chairman of the Saratov Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of the Russian Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascist Concentration Camps) created the ensemble and leads it since 2014. The concert was attended by foreign...

Competition of the Russian Union of Rural Youth

Competition of the Russian Union of Rural Youth

26.03.2018 12:18:11

The All-Russian Youth Public Organization “Russian Union of Rural Youth” holds a competition to identify public leaders in rural areas among young people in order to create conditions for personal growth. Citizens of the Russian Federation aged from 18 to 35 who live in rural areas, have a specialization or are engaged in entrepreneurship in the village can take part in the competition. For...

Election of the President of the Russian Federation

Election of the President of the Russian Federation

19.03.2018 12:19:32

On March 18, 2018 presidential elections were held in Russia. According to the regional election commission, residents of the region supported the current president and gave 78.33% of their votes for Vladimir Putin, thus supporting his program of development of our state. There were 2 polling stations on the territory of our university. The rector, teachers, employees and students performed their...

Practice of development of the movement of student groups in the Saratov region

Practice of development of the movement of student groups in the Saratov region

17.03.2018 12:16:48

The retreat of the Committee of the Saratov Regional Duma on sports, tourism and youth on the issue of "On the practice of development of the movement of student groups in the Saratov region" was held in Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov.The invitees included Angelina Antonovna Belovitskaya, Deputy Minister of Youth Policy and Sports of the Region, Valery Victorovna Ushakova,...

Miss  Navruz of the World 2018

Miss Navruz of the World 2018

02.03.2018 12:13:05

The Saratov Regional Branch of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia and the international center of the “Crystal Crown” competitions, with the support of the Government of the Saratov Region and the Council of Rectors of Saratov Universities, hold the annual international competition of national costume, creativity and beauty Miss Navruz of the World 2018. The competition will take place on March...

Foreign students from SSAU at the festival “Maslenitsa”

Foreign students from SSAU at the festival “Maslenitsa”

21.02.2018 11:52:51

On the 17th and 18th February 2018, the folk festival “Maslenitsa” was widely celebrated in "Korolkov garden", that is situated on the territory of Agrarian university and at Theatralnaya. Foreign and Russian students with the supervisors Panfilova E. G., Budina Y. V. and Sadovnikova E. V. too part in this event. There were a lot of people who wanted to say “good-bye” to winter and have fun...

What kind of education should be?

What kind of education should be?

20.02.2018 16:43:47

• What does higher education give a person? • What seems to you more necessary: to know a lot or to be able to do a lot? • Why often do people want to study abroad, not at homeland? • Where could we get the best, highest quality education - in a public or private (non-state) university? • Is it possible to obtain a quality education remotely? On these and other questions about the...

To the sound of a waltz ...

To the sound of a waltz ...

20.02.2018 16:41:04

Beautiful music, ladies in evening dresses, gentlemen in tuxedos ... The chance to enjoy the atmosphere of a secular party was received by representatives of the International Club, who visited the Rector's Ball - 2018. This event was devoted to the ancient Russian holiday - Student's Day, and we are happy that the representatives of the Interclub of the SGAU (Abdelhadi Zaari, Younes Zaari, Nnete Mohlala,...

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